We take care of quality for you. Comprehensively, clearly, simply.

For over 20 years, we have been providing services in the field of quality not only for the automotive and engineering industry.

Top level services

We are experts in quality control, training, auditing and measurement services according to all your requirements. WE TAKE QUALITY TO THE NEXT LEVEL!


We support the disabled

  • Employees are important to us.
  • We break the barriers between the healthy and the disabled.
  • We support a personal approach and a friendly environment.

We optimize your costs by alternative fulfilment
of the obligation to employ a required percentage of disabled persons.

Calculate your monthly savings

About us

Our story in numbers

We are closer to you. You can find us all over the Czech Republic.

Established branches
Professional employees
Successfully completed contracts
Satisfied clients

Our company values

Podporujeme přátelský přístup a otevřené prostředí. Pracujeme jako tým. Chceme se zlepšovat a růst.
and fairness
Přistupujeme férově a s respektem k našim pracovníkům, zákazníkům i dodavatelům. Plníme slovo.
and stability
Dbáme na bezpečnost pracovníků a osobní odpovědnost za kvalitu poskytovaných služeb.
and trends
Sledujeme trendy, přinášíme novinky a neustále zlepšujeme naše služby.
Our family

We are one happy family, we are QPAG - Quality Production Assurance Group


Our clients like us

Our important partners